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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Are you in serious need of a self care day? Or need some great self care tips?
We ALL need a self care day once in awhile but many times we either forget, or feel like we don’t have the time. But we all know that having some ‘me time’ is SUPER important!
Self care is so important for the mind and body! And yes, it is possible to squeeze in some ‘me’ time!
That’s why I always try to implement at least one of these self care tips to my day, even on busy days. Actually, especially on the busy days!
And I can ALWAYS feel the difference on the days where I don’t implement any of these at all!
When I don’t take any time for myself at all I feel frustrated, sluggish and overall down.
That’s why I wanted to share with you some super simple and quick ways to add some self care to your day!
This post is all about some of the BEST self care ideas to add to your self care routine or self care Sunday!
Pin this post to share the love and to save for later so you can reference it when you are in need of some self care!

Best Self Care Day Activities
1. Movement
I am not talking about a full one hour workout here, unless of course that’s something you’re into!
But incorporating even small movements throughout the day can make us feel SO much better than if we don’t incorporate anything at all.
Going for a walk, yoga, some slight stretches on the couch even, are nice easy ways to get your body moving a little.
My personal favorite way to incorporate some movement after a long day is with light stretching or some bedtime yoga.
When it comes to self care, try investing in good quality purchases that you love to use. It adds to the whole self care experience and makes a huge difference.
My absolute favorite yoga mat is this one from Lululemon. Amazon has some great inexpensive alternatives as well!
If you’re looking for more ideas on how to easily add more movement to your day, you can check out my post on 8 easy ways to stay active at home.
[Related Post: 8 easy ways to stay active at home]
2. Creative
Even if you are like me and are not very creative, doing something that takes a bit of creativity is not only fun, but can also be a form of self care.
There is something so relaxing about focusing on a creative activity.
Since like I said, I am not very creative, I really enjoy adult coloring books as a creative self care activity. It doesn’t require me to draw or create something from scratch.
When I feel super stressed, coloring for even 5 minutes has a huge impact on my mood! It allows me to take my mind of other things and focus briefly on something else.
My absolute FAV adult coloring books are the Johanna Basford ones. They are so beautiful and such good quality, the perfect self care aesthetic activity!
Another great creative option would be to write in a journal. You can get really creative with it and write short stories, write about your day, or create a self care journal.
I created a daily journal printable that helps keep me on track with my self care and productivity each day and only takes me a minute to fill out.
I love using this on days where I don’t feel like taking a lot of time to plan out my day, but still want to take a minute to plan out some key points.
You can print it out or use it digitally if that’s more your style.
[See my Self Care Day Journal Printable]
3. Pampering
When we look good, we feel good. A little bit of self pampering is a great way to show yourself some love.
Painting your nails, using a face mask, giving yourself a facial, are all examples of easy ways you can pamper yourself.
I love using a face steamer and then putting on face mask. It only takes a couple minutes but I always feel so luxurious after.
If you’re looking for more ideas on how to look and feel good at home you can check out my post on 10 ways to look good at home.
[Related Post: 10 Easy Ways to Always Look Good at Home

4. Productive
Yes I said it! But before you scroll past this part let me explain.
Accomplishing a small, easy task can make us feel really good about ourselves.
Something that’ll only take us 10 minutes can make us feel good for the entire day.
This way, even if we spent most of our day on the couch, we’ll at least have accomplished one productive thing. Which is still a win!
I created a productivity planner bundle that includes various different types of planner from daily planners to meal and fitness planners and more. You can check it out here.
I have a post on 12 Ways to be More Productive in 10 Minutes if you are looking for quick and easy ways to be more productive.
[Related Post: 12 Ways to be More Productive in 10 Minutes]
5. Relaxation
It wouldn’t be a self care day if we didn’t mention relaxation. Lounging with a good book, a nice warm bath, and some self pampering are my absolute favorite ways to relax.
A recent self care gift idea for myself was a foot spa and massager. I LOVE pedicures but I wanted to be able to have a similar experience at home while lounging on the couch.
It may seem a lil extra, but it makes me SUPER relaxed. And it saves me a TON of money from going to the salon every time.
These two items, with a face mask, a hot cup of tea and a good book – worth every penny!

6. Fun
Doing something fun could be as simple as watching your favorite show or reading a good book. Or it could be something more like going out with some friends for a nice lunch.
Do whatever feels right for you that day and just enjoy doing something fun for yourself.
One of my favorite ways to add some fun to my self care day is by doing a dance cardio workout.
That way I am having fun but I can also cross movement off my self care checklist.
7. Grateful
Thinking or voicing out loud what you are grateful for is an amazing self care act for the soul.
Many times we can get so caught up in the stresses of the day, that we forget to appreciate the good things.
Writing down what you are grateful for is good way to reflect on what makes you happy.
You can check out my daily printable journal that includes a section on grateful thoughts where you can quickly write out what you are grateful for.
Another great option is the 5 minute journal that includes a section to write out what you are grateful for. This is a great way to quickly plan out your day and write out your thoughts.
8. Social
Talking with your family or a friend can be such a feel good self care act. We can get so busy with everything that we forget to slow down and just talk with our loved ones.
Sitting down for dinner with family and chatting about each other’s day is a great way to fit in some social self care.
Another great option is to reach out to someone that maybe you haven’t had the chance to speak to in awhile.
Catching up with someone we haven’t spoke to in awhile can bring up great memories and laughs and make us feel really good.
9. Plan
Last but not least is one that most probably wouldn’t think about when they think of self care. But it can be just as important as the other ones.
Planning your day the night before or the morning of can make you feel like you’ve got it together.
Not having your day planned can become frustrating real quick. You forget appointments, or you run around because you didn’t plan properly.
Personally I do not like planning out every second of the day. I get overwhelmed pretty quick.
I like taking 5 minutes at the end of the night to write out my top tasks for the next day, and then I will fill out my daily planner that I mentioned earlier.
That way I still have an idea of what I need to do the next day without spending too much time on planning it.
Those were my favorite self care day tips!
There are so many ways you can implement self care activities into your day. Even taking a couple minutes to show yourself some love can make a world of a difference!
I really hope you enjoyed these self care day tips and that you incorporate them into your self care day routine to give yourself some much needed self love!

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Comment below to share the love and any self care tips you may have to help others out! It might really help someone out who’s in need of some self care!
Pin this for later for whenever you are feeling you are in need of some self care!

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