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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Do you want to create a productive day routine but find it hard to stay motivated? Here are 13 life changing ways to create the perfect productive day routine to help you easily be productive every day!
Having a productive day routine can be life changing and really make you feel organized and confident. If you have a productive day routine, it can be so much easier to get more done and accomplish your goals!
But with so much going on in our lives it can be super hard to not only create a productive day routine, but also to stick to it.
I have found some of the easiest and quickest ways to create the perfect productive day routine that have truly changed my life. And like anything else useful or inspiring that I find, I wanted to share it with you!
This post is all about the best ways to create the perfect productive day routine!
If you are looking for other posts on productivity then check out the links at the bottom of this post.
Best Productive Day Routine
1. Plan The Night Before
Even though I know how important planning can be, I am not someone who enjoys doing it. I would always get so overwhelmed and frustrated.
That’s why I like to create simple and easy ways to plan my day without too much stress or effort.
Test different ways of planning to see which one fits your personality best.
Do you like time blocking? Task batching? Or just making a simple To-Do list?
I personally like to-do lists and time blocking but I don’t overstuff my calendar and I like to leave room for the unexpected.
I’ve created two planners which I like to use to plan my days easily. I use my productivity planner to plan out my to-do list, appointments, important dates, etc.
And then I love using my once a day planner which only takes me a minute to fill out but helps me plan out one thing to do for each important category such as movement, self care, productive activity, etc. This is the planner that helped make the most difference in my productivity.
Whenever I fill this planner out and do each thing I listed, I automatically had a productive day just by completing one thing in each important area.
2. Go To Bed With A Clean Home
Nothing kills my productivity faster than a messy home, and I bet you feel the same.
A messy cluttered home creates stress and it makes it SO much harder to have a clear head and be productive.
A tidy home for me is essential to having a productive daily routine.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to make sure your home is clean before you go to bed so you wake up to a clean beautiful home.
I found tidying for 20 minutes before I go to bed and decluttering every once in awhile to be the two biggest reasons why my home is clean most of the time.
Your home doesn’t have to be sparkling each day, but waking up to a tidy living space will instantly make your day feel more productive.
If you’d like to hear more ways on how to easily keep your home clean everyday you can check out the link below.
Related Post: 15 Easy Tips to Always Keep Your Home Tidy
3. Get Up Early
Getting up early isn’t for everyone. Some people are naturally more productive in the evening. If you are someone who is more productive in the evening, then creating more time in the evening to be productive would be best for you.
But for a lot of people, waking up early is key to being more productive because we are more productive in the morning hours.
The most obvious tip to being able to get up earlier is to sleep earlier. Don’t try to drastically change your bed time in one night because you will most likely just toss and turn and may even fall asleep later than usual.
Instead try going to bed earlier every day by 15 minutes until you reach your desired bed time. These small changes won’t be such a drastic change and your body will most likely adjust easier.
Another tip I found that really helped me get up earlier was to fill my morning with things I really enjoy. It can be extremely hard to motivate yourself to get out of bed early, but having things to look forward to can really help.
I bought myself a Nespresso Machine and a Kindle so that way I know when I wake up I can look forward to a delicious cup of coffee and read a good book on my new Kindle.
If you want more tips on how to easily wake up early check out the link below.
Related Post: 10 Realistic and Easy Ways to Wake up Early
4. Make Your Bed
I know you have probably heard this one a million times, but for good reason.
Making your bed when you wake up is a small productive action that can instantly make you feel productive and can have a ripple effect throughout your day.
I always find the days when I make my bed to be some of the most productive.
5. Get Ready For The Day
Even if you are at home that day, getting ready in the morning can really make a difference in your productivity.
When I stay in my pyjamas all day, I am WAY less productive than if I showered and got dressed.
This doesn’t mean you have to put on makeup and wear work clothes at home, unless of course you want to. I still dress into comfy clothes after showering and I don’t put on makeup everyday. I just brush my hair, wash my face and maybe do a cute hairstyle if I feel like it.
But even doing little things like that in the morning sets your mood to be more productive that day than if you were to stay in pjs all day.
If you are looking for more great ways to look good at home you can check out the link below.
Related Post: 10 Easy Ways to Always Look Good at Home
6. Motivation
Listening to something motivational can really get you excited to be motivated for the day.
I love listening to quick motivational videos or podcasts in the morning while I am getting ready for the day. I feel like it ‘pumps me up’ for the day and really gives me the motivation I need to have a productive day.
7. Affirmations
Affirmations are another powerful way to motivate yourself for the day. They can be read out loud, said in your mind, or even written down.
I love how affirmations make me feel about myself so I made these affirmation cards that are small enough to carry around with me. They are great to read throughout the day to give yourself a boost of confidence.
8. Movement
Getting movement throughout the day is good for your health and good for your mind.
Scheduling at least 30 minutes of movement for yourself will make you feel good and make you feel more productive.
It doesn’t always have to be strenuous exercise, I enjoy going for a walk, dancing, or even just doing housework as my 30 minutes for the day.
You will feel great after and it’ll be another productive thing you did that day.
If you are looking for more ways to be active at home then check out the link below.
Related Post: 8 Ways to be Active at Home
9. Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Making your first meal of the day a healthy one is great for your body, and also your productivity. You will feel good about yourself for making a healthy choice which can in turn make you more likely to make healthier and better choices throughout the day.
You will probably also have more energy to be productive after having a healthy breakfast rather than if you were to eat something unhealthy.
10. Most Important Task First
Getting your most important task done first is a great way to feel a sense of accomplishment and create a ripple effect throughout your day.
Even if you only finish that one task for that day, you can still feel productive knowing you finished your most important task that day.
11. Relax
Relaxing can also be an important part of a productive day routine. If we don’t schedule in periods of relaxation throughout the day then we might burn out.
Taking breaks throughout the day is important and can actually help you be more productive by giving you energy and balancing stress.
12. Little Wins
Giving yourself little wins throughout the day can have a drastic effect on your productivity. Completing small tasks can increase your confidence and really make you feel good about yourself.
Little wins could be things like making the bed in the morning or washing your dishes right away. They are small tasks that can be completed quickly but will make you feel great after.
If you want more ideas on quick and easy productive things to do throughout the day check out the link below.
Related Post: 12 Ways to be More Productive at Home in 10 Minutes
13. Productive Downtime
This has to be one of my favorite productive things to do. At times when you are feeling tired but still want to be productive in some way, productive downtime is fantastic.
Productive downtime is doing things that are productive when you have some spare time, and they don’t always have to take a lot of effort.
Learning something new through a video online, listening to a self development podcast, or learning a language through an app, are all some of my favorite ways to be productive in my downtime. They are all things that I can do when I am feeling tired but want to still feel productive.

This post was all about how to create a productive day routine to help you feel confident and accomplish your goals
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