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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Looking for easy tips on how to be that girl? Here you’ll find simple and effective ways to be the best version of yourself!

The ‘how to be THAT girl’ trend is super popular right now and for good reason! It can be super motivating and help you to achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself.
‘THAT girl’ is seen as someone who is living their best life. She’s productive, healthy, smart, and someone who is inspiring and fun to be around.
We all want to be the best version of ourselves which is why tips on how to be that girl are so inspiring.
No matter what, we can all become THAT girl and live our best lives by working on our goals and becoming the best version of ourselves.
Here are some super simple, yet effective, tips on how to be THAT girl!
This post is all about how to be that girl
Best Tips on How to Be That Girl
1. Wake up Early
You probably guessed this was going to be one of the tips on how to be that girl. We’ve been told many times that waking up early can make a huge difference on your day.
Many people find they are more productive in the morning and can get way more done in a day when they wake up early.
If you are one of those people then waking up early should be your first step to becoming that girl.
It’s definitely easier said than done, but try waking up earlier by 15 min each day until you reach your desired wake time. This can become easier by also going to bed 15 min earlier each day until you reach a bedtime that works for you.
I struggled for years to wake up early and one thing I found really helped was purchasing this sunrise alarm clock below. I absolutely love how it wakes me up gradually with light and nature sounds. Instead of being woken up suddenly and feeling groggy and annoyed, I wake up feeling refreshed.
2. Make Your Bed
Another tip you’ve probably heard before is to make your bed. Making your bed in the morning is a small thing that can make you instantly feel more productive.
This feeling of doing something productive first thing makes you feel great and can have a snowball effect on the rest of your day.
Another bonus is you’ll be less likely to get back into bed if it’s made.
3. Get Ready For The Day
This is a super important tip on how to become that girl.
It can be super tempting to stay in your pyjamas if you are planning on spending most of the day at home.
But even if you are staying at home, getting ready for the day can have a huge impact on your mood and productivity.
Most of us feel better about ourselves and become more productive when we get ready for the day.
This doesn’t mean you have to go full glam everyday, or even wear any makeup at all. It can be as simple as taking a shower, brushing your hair, and changing into clothes that you love.
4. Create a Positive Mindset
Creating a positive mindset can be super difficult sometimes and is definitely easier said than done.
But having a positive mindset is an important tip on how to become that girl.
A positive mindset will allow you to be so much more productive and have a better day.
Doing things to try and create a positive mindset everyday will become a habit and it will become easier and easier.
Things like keeping a gratitude journal or meditating are great ways to get in a good headspace.
5. Get Yourself Motivated
It can sometimes be difficult to find the motivation to be productive and be that girl. That’s why listening to motivational speeches, podcasts, or self improvement books are a great way to get yourself pumped up for the day.
I find listening to something motivational first thing in the morning when getting ready really gets me ready to take on the day.
I also found a huge difference in my productivity and mindset when I started reading self improvement books in the morning when having my coffee. There are some amazing books like the ones below that can seriously change your life.
6. Create a Morning Routine You Enjoy
There is so much pressure to creating the perfect morning routine.
A morning routine that’s too long or has too much going on can tire you out quickly leaving you feeling drained the rest of the day.
Try instead to create a morning routine that you love and that works for you. This way your morning routine will motivate and energize you instead of draining your energy.
A good morning routine can be as simple as showering, having a coffee, and reading a bit. Whatever makes you feel best in the morning should be part of your routine.
7. Plan For The Day
This is a great thing to do the night before or the morning of each day.
When we plan out our day it helps us manage our time better and be more productive.
Find a planning system that works for you and that you enjoy so you will stick with it. Time blocking, task batching, or a simple to do list are all great ways to plan out your day.
If you hate planning your day or just don’t feel up to it sometimes, just writing out a simple 3 item to do list can work wonders. Write out 3 main things you want to accomplish that day. This is super easy to do, doesn’t feel overwhelming, and still gives you an idea of what to work on that day.
This planner below is super effective because it is simple and straight to the point but has a place for top priorities and an area to time block. Make planning out your day simple so you’ll stick with it.
8. Plan Action For Your Goals
Knowing your goals is great, but it’s even better to make an actual action plan for your goals. Goals can be great and motivate us, but much of the time they can seem like some distant dream that we hope maybe one day to achieve.
Planning out actionable steps to move towards your goals help make your goals seem more attainable and can help you to actually take steps towards those goals.
Try writing out actionable steps you can take to head towards your biggest goal. Once you take action on a goal, even if it’s a small movement, it can start a momentum that will motivate you to continue working on that goal.
9. Get Some Movement in Your Day
It wouldn’t be a post on how to be that girl without talking about exercise. Being active is not only good for our health, but it can have a huge impact on our mood and energy.
Full out workouts can sometimes be intimidating or seem overwhelming. If you have difficulty finding the motivation to do a workout, try instead to focus on movement.
Getting movement in your day can be as simple as cleaning the house, going for a walk, or dancing around your room to your favorite songs.
Find what you find fun because you will be more likely to stick to something if you enjoy it.
10. Have a Go To Look
One thing that comes to mind when I think of ‘that girl’ is someone who always looks put together. But with busy schedules, we don’t always have the time or energy to get ready.
This is why I love having a go to look. A go to look is an outfit, makeup, and hairstyle that you love, is quick and easy, and you know makes you look great.
This way when you don’t have much time or energy, you can quickly do your go to look and feel put together.
To do this just go through your closet and try and think of one or two outfits that you love on you. Same thing with a makeup look and hairstyle. It works best if you keep the makeup and hairstyle simple.
I found using something like a blow dry brush helps me have super cute hair quickly and easily. I use this brush at the beginning of the week to give myself a blowout and it lasts and looks amazing for a couple days. It’s amazing and has seriously changed my hair game.
11. Eat Healthy
Eating healthy is definitely something that ‘that girl’ would do. We all know eating healthy is good for us but it can be difficult to stick with.
Try finding a handful of easy, quick and cheap healthy recipes that you love and rotate those throughout the week. Find recipes that taste good but that are also simple enough to whip up fairly quickly. If the recipes are simple and quick to make, it’s easier to make eating healthy a habit.
12. Keep Your Place Tidy
We all want a clean and tidy home but it can be easier said than done. Decluttering regularly and having a cleaning schedule are two things that have made a HUGE difference in my home.
Since decluttering and owning less things, it’s a million times easier to keep my home tidy.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is an amazing book that seriously helped me declutter my life. It made such a big impact on my life and space.
Having a cleaning schedule is another great way to keep your place clean and tidy. Whether you want to pick a day where you do all your cleaning at once, or you want to split chores up over the week, having a cleaning schedule is a great way to stay on top of cleaning.
I love using a cleaning schedule like the one below to organize my cleaning.
13. Simplify Your Closet
Having too many clothes can actually make us feel like we have nothing to wear because we get so overwhelmed with how many clothes we own.
Simplifying your closet down to only the items that you love and look great in, will make you always look put together because your closet will be filled with items you look and feel great in.
14. Learn New Skills
When we picture that girl, we picture someone who is smart and has a lot of great skills.
Reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts, are all great ways to learn new skills.
Whenever you have a couple minutes of downtime, try using it to learn something new or work on a new or existing skill.
15. Have a Budget
That girl would definitely be someone who has their financial situation together.
Creating a simple but effective budget is the best way to stay on top of your finances. It is a lot easier to manage our money when we know exactly what is coming in and going out.
16. Strengthen Your Relationships
Having strong and healthy relationships is definitely a trait that we would see in that girl.
Try to strengthen the healthy and positive relationships in your life and get rid of any toxic ones.
Spending time with family and friends will not only strengthen these relationships, but will also make you feel good spending time with people you love.
17. Regularly Indulge In Self Care
Making time for yourself is super important and is something ‘that girl’ would make time for.
Even if your schedule is busy, squeezing in small self care moments in your day can seriously boost your mood and make you look great!
This Post Was All About How To Be That Girl
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