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Are you looking for the best self care products to have the ultimate self care experience?
If you are then you definitely came to the right place! I LOVE talking about self care!
I think it is SO important but also very overlooked. We often tell ourselves we don’t have the time and think other things are more important.
But adding some self care into your daily routine can be easy and doesn’t have to take up a lot of time.
I know when I add at least a little bit of self care to my day, even 5 minutes, it makes a HUGE difference on my mood, my productivity, and my relationships.
I found the trick is to have self care products in your home that are quick and easy but that you also get excited to use.
Think of it as your little treat for the day, and an act of self love that you can give yourself everyday.
That’s why I wanted to share with you some of the best self care products that can get you excited about self care!
If you are looking for self care day ideas or other fun posts then check out the links at the bottom of the post!
This post is all about the BEST self care products
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Best Self Care Products
1. Journal
This was something I didn’t used to think about when I would think of self care.
It wasn’t until I actually started writing in a journal that I realized just how much of a self care act it is. It helps clear your head and also makes you feel so much better about your day.
I am not someone who likes to sit and write in a journal for a long time however. That’s why I created my once a day planner that only takes me 5 minutes to fill out. It allows me to write out one thing I will do for each area like movement, self care, creativity, and more.
It’s a way I can journal out my goals for the day without sitting down and writing for a long time.
You can check it out here if you’d like one for yourself.
2. Planner
I think planning is another one of those things that don’t automatically come up when we think of self care.
But planning, even a little, and feeling prepared makes us feel good!
I used to HATE planning, but I truly find it one of things that you begin to like once you do it over and over again.
I created a productivity planner that cover all sorts of areas of planning like daily and monthly planning, meal and fitness planning, expenses and more. You can check it out here.
I tried to make it not only pretty, but also simple so that way I am more likely to want to fill it out.
Planning is a self care act because it can help put your mind at ease and make you feel way more organized and feel better about the day ahead.
3. Facial Steamer
This in my opinion is one of the best self care products! I love how quick and easy a face steamer is to use but I also love how luxurious it feels!
It is also perfect to do right before a face mask.
4. Face Mask
As mentioned earlier I love using a face mask right after steaming my face. But I also love using it anytime I want some self care.
It’s one of those things that don’t take up much time because you could also apply one and then do something else in the meantime.
I love using a variety of sheet masks and masks that I can apply with a brush.
5. Facial Brush
A facial brush is a nice and quick way to add some self care during your skin care routine.
There are so many varieties out there but my favorite are the ones that come with different types of brush heads.
My face is always baby smooth after using this.
7. Body Scrub
I love using a body scrub to make any bath or shower seem more like a spa experience.
I really feel like I am taking a moment for myself when I use something like a body scrub. And my skin always looks and feels great after!
There are SO many great ones out there! MY favorite is anything that smells like vanilla.
6. Exfoliating Gloves
I love having these around for the days where I run out of body scrub or when I feel like a different kind of exfoliate.
I personally like the gloves because I feel like I get a better reach using them, but they have other great alternatives out there as well.
7. Shower Steamers
These are SO much fun to use and make me feel AMAZING after. They are like bath fizzies but for the shower.
You place them on the shower floor while you shower and they give off amazing essential oil smells.
They make me feel like I am in a spa steam room and I always come out of the shower feeling SO relaxed.
8. Bubble Bath
Nothing shouts self care like a bubble bath!
My absolute FAV bubble bath is this one below. It smells amazing and makes me feel SO relaxed.
9. Diffuser
The mood of a room can instantly change once I put my diffuser on. I love using calming scents anytime of day when I want to feel a little more relaxed.
I love using my diffuser in the evening when winding down. It’s a perfect way to add some self care even while doing other things.
10. Foot Spa
I love using a foot spa in front of the TV after a long day of work. Even if I only have a few minutes to spare, using a foot spa makes me feel SO relaxed.
If I have more time then I love using a foot spa while I have a face mask on to give myself a pedicure experience.
11. Massager
I love using this thing anywhere and everywhere (well, inside my home I mean).
It’s great to use while working from home or watching TV.
But my favorite way is to use it while I am using my foot spa mentioned above. That, with a cup of coffee and a face mask, gives me the ultimate pedicure experience at home.
12. Jade Roller
A jade roller can be a simple, but nice addition to your regular skincare routine. Using a jade roller after using a serum can make your skincare routine feel a little more luxurious.
It’s a great way to fit in a little bit of self care when you feel like you don’t have enough time.
13. Heated Blanket
Ouu even just thinking about a heated blanket on the couch with a coffee makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!
A heated blanket is such a nice way to add a little self care when all you want to do is lay down and watch tv.
14. Weighted Blanket
Just like a heated blanket, a weighted blanket is one of those things that can provide some self care when you are just laying on the couch watching tv.
I was a bit skeptic of these at first but they really do give you that feeling of someone cuddling you, which feels super nice after a stressful day!
15. Heated Foot Warmer
Can you tell I love things that make me feel warm? It just makes me feel SO cozy and relaxed and such a simple self care act.
16. Coloring Book
This may not seem like a self care act at first, but sometimes turning off the electronics and focusing on something soothing like coloring can make a HUGE difference.
My absolute FAV adult coloring books are the Johanna Basford ones. They are stunning and I always feel so calm after coloring for a few minutes.
17. Hair Mask
Using a hair mask is a great way to fit a small self care act in when you don’t have much time since you can have it on while doing other things.
I love putting a hair mask on when doing dishes or watching tv, but it’s also great while doing other self care acts like giving myself a pedicure or while taking a bath.
18. Eye Mask
Eye masks are my favorite thing to use while taking a quiet moment to myself. It’s one of those small things that really make me feel like I’m taking a moment for myself.
19. Robe
Anytime I want to do something self care related, I almost always wear my robe. It not only is super comfy but it gives me that spa vibe which makes me feel extra luxurious.
20. Slippers
Just like with a robe, I almost always put on my slippers when doing other self care activities.
I love super soft and warm slippers. The fluffier the better!
21. Manicure Set
Mani/pedis are a great way to wind down and take some me time. I love using the foot spa mentioned above while giving myself a manicure and then a pedicure.
If you are looking for beauty ideas or other fun self care ideas then check out the links below!
This post was all about the best self care products
I really hope you enjoyed this list of the best self care products. Comment below on any self care products you want to try, or ones that you have tried and love. It may help others out who are looking for some great self care products!
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