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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Are you feeling overwhelmed and want to simplify your wardrobe? These are 10 easy tips on how to simplify your wardrobe instantly.

There are many reasons you may want to simplify your wardrobe. You may feel like you have nothing to wear but at the same time feel overwhelmed with how many clothes you have.
Simplifying your wardrobe can help you streamline your style, save you time getting dressed, save you money on shopping, and save you time on laundry.
Simplifying my closet was one of the best things I have done. After getting rid of clothes I didn’t like or didn’t fit, I now have a closet that’s only filled with pieces that I truly love and that make me feel my best.
I now almost always feel like I look put together and I never feel like I don’t have anything to wear.
If you are wondering how to simplify your wardrobe then I am sure you will find these tips helpful.
Read to the end for bonus closet organization ideas.
This post is all about ways to simplify your wardrobe.
Best Tips on How to Simplify Your Wardrobe
1. Know Your Why
This may sound cheesy but this tip is actually so crucial to simplifying your wardrobe.
If you don’t have a solid ‘why’ for wanting to simplify your wardrobe then you may not be as motivated while decluttering and you may not declutter your closet as much as you originally wanted to.
Think of the main reasons you want to declutter your wardrobe.
Is it because you feel overwhelmed with your closet and want less stress? Do you want to cut down because you have way too much laundry every week? Are you sick of feeling like you have nothing to wear?
Whatever your reason is remind yourself of this before and during your decluttering process, or write it down and have it in front of you.
Decluttering can become stressful and tiring so remind your self of your ‘why’ often.
A great book to read that really helped me get motivated to declutter my closet was this book by Marie Kondo. She has AMAZING tips on how to declutter and this is a really great read to get you super motivated to simplify your wardrobe.
2. Define Your Style
Before you begin to declutter your closet, try to define your style. Think about what pieces you look best on you, what colors suit you, and what you feel most comfortable in.
Taking a look at photos of yourself in clothes that you look great in can help remind you of what kind of style you like.
Getting inspiration from online is another great way to see what style you want your closet to reflect.
Knowing this will make it a lot easier to pick and choose which clothes to keep when you are decluttering your closet.
3. Pull Out All Your Clothes
I know this part may seem annoying but it can give you a great visual of how many clothes you actually have.
Pulling all your clothes out of your closet and seeing them all at once can be a great motivator when decluttering.
Sometimes we have way more than we actually think we do and this is a great way to realize how much we actually have.
4. Categorize Your Clothes
Once you have pulled out all of your clothes, try to categorize them into piles such as t-shirts, sweaters, pants, etc.
This can help you realize how many of each item you actually have which will help you determine how many pieces to keep.
When I did this I realized I had WAY too many black t-shirts which were almost identical which I may have not noticed had I not done this part.
5. Try To Visualize The Amount Of Clothes You Want
Visualizing what you want your closet to look like is a great motivator and will help you determine how much clothes you want to keep.
It can also help to think about how many of each item you want to keep such as t-shirts, sweaters, etc.
6. Put Back Your Favorites First
After you have pulled out everything and put it into categories, go through all the items and put your absolute favorites back into the closet.
Only put back items that you absolutely love and wear all the time, anything you are unsure of leave aside for now.
Pay attention to these items and think about how you feel in them and what you like about them. This will help you when decluttering the other items that are left and help you determine which pieces you should keep.
7. Ask Yourself These Questions
After you have put back your absolute favorites, you can either choose to only keep those favorites and let go of the rest, or you can go through the rest and ask yourself some questions.
When sorting through the rest of the clothes ask yourself:
Do I feel great in this?
Does it fit nicely?
Is it comfortable?
Would I buy this again if I saw it at a store?
Does this help me achieve my ideal style?
You can come up with other questions depending on your criteria for what clothes you want to keep or not. But these are some good questions to start with if you get stuck on an item.
8. Try Things On
When you are really unsure of an item it can really help to try it on. Try items on and see how you look and feel in them.
If you feel slightly uncomfortable or don’t feel like you look your best, then it’s probably best to declutter it from your wardrobe.
9. Make A Point To Wear Most Of Your Clothing
Once you have went through and decluttered your closet, hopefully you are left mostly with clothes that you love and that fit well.
After decluttering, it’s a good idea to try and make a point to wear most of the clothing left in your closet over the next while. This may not work for all your clothes depending on the season, but try it for anything that you are able to wear right now.
This is good to do because we may keep items that we think we like and that look good when we try it on at home, but then find we don’t like it as much when we wear it out.
I have done this myself and there were some items that I thought I liked, but when I wore them out they were either not comfortable or I didn’t feel that great in.
10. Put Maybes Into A Box
If after all these tips there are still items in your closet that you are unsure of, you can try putting them in a box and setting them aside for a couple of months.
If after a couple of months you haven’t bothered to open the box, it’s probably best to just donate the box.
This again might be different with seasonal items, but you can adjust the amount of time you keep the items in the box.
Bonus: Things To Help You Organize Your Newly Decluttered Closet
Hopefully you have simplified your wardrobe to a size that you are happy with! Once you declutter your closet, you may want to organize it different than you did before.
Once you decluttered your closet and have less clothes, you may want to switch out your hangers for nicer ones.
Felt hangers are nice and slim and the clothes tend not to slide off them as easily. You can get them in cute colors as well and they’re affordable.
Wooden hangers are another great option. They are very aesthetic and are great for heavier items.
There’s the traditional wood color or white which I personally love.
Adding some closet labels are fun and a great way to make it super easy to divide your closet. They have cute pre labelled ones or ones that you can write your own labels on as well.
Hanging storage shelves are great for things like sweaters, scarfs, shoes, or anything else you don’t want to hang.
There are tons of different sizes to fit any size of closet and they’re super affordable.
Space saving hangers are fantastic to save space in the closet especially for things that you may have a lot of like t-shirts and tank tops.
You can fit so much more in your closet this way without sacrificing space.
Multipurpose hangers are great for things like scarves, belts and ties.
These take up barely any room and it’s a great way to be able to see everything you have.
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