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Are you looking for easy but effective ways to organize your life?
We can have a lot on our plate, and if we aren’t organized in a lot of areas in our life then it can get super stressful.
But, if we can organize things like our responsibilities, goals, projects, relationships, etc, then we can feel more in control of our life and more productive.
I used to be the kind of person who hated planning and organizing. But ever since I used these tips to easily and quickly organize my life, I started to feel happier, be WAY more productive, and feel like I could accomplish so much more in life.
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Best Ways to Organize Your Life
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1. Declutter
I know you have probably heard the benefits of decluttering before but I had to start with this tip because I really feel like it’s the beginning of the journey to organize your life.
When you declutter and get rid of anything that isn’t useful or that doesn’t bring you joy, you are left with items that really matter.
Imagine looking in your kitchen cupboards and only having a couple cooking utensils that you love to use. Or opening up your wardrobe and only seeing your favorite items.
After I decluttered, my space was so much easier to organize and clean. I feel so much happier and calm in my space, AND I spend way less time cleaning.
For more great decluttering ideas you can check out my post on: Amazing Items to Help you Instantly Declutter
2. Use a Planner
I used to be the kind of person that hated planning. But I truly do find it becomes a habit, and now I couldn’t function without my planner.
Whether planning the night before, or first thing in the morning, planning out the day can help give you a clear head and help you accomplish more out of the day.
I have two planners that I created that I love to use. The first one is my productivity planner which I made pretty and feminine so I am more likely to use it. It includes planners for meals, fitness, finances and more which is great to use when you want to plan out various aspects of your life.
My other planner is my once a day planner which I made to be quick and easy to use. It is a planner where you write out one thing to do daily for each section like movement, self care, productivity, etc. This is great for when you don’t feel like planning out a lot but you want to make sure you still have a productive day.
You can check out both of these planners here.

3. Journal
It took me awhile to get into journaling, and even now I still struggle to keep up with it.
However, I have found that journaling some of my thoughts and what I want to accomplish in life, have made a HUGE difference in my productivity.
Waking up and writing out your thoughts and goals can really help clear your head and create a clear path of what matters most to you.
The Five Minute Journal is fantastic especially if you are like me and do not want to spend more than a couple of minutes journaling.
4. Wake Up Earlier
This differs depending on what type of work you do or your lifestyle, but for some people waking up earlier can have amazing benefits.
Waking up earlier can help you get more done and feel like you have more of your day to enjoy.
It can also help you become more productive if you are someone who is more productive and thinks more clearly in the morning.
If you are someone who wants to wake up earlier but struggles, I found that purchasing a sunlight alarm made all the difference for me.
It wakes you up with gradual light and calming sounds which helps me wake up slower and helps me feel WAY more awake.
For more great tips on waking up earlier you can find my post here on 10 Realistic and Easy Tips to Wake up Early
5. Make Your Bed
I know you have heard this a million times but honestly doing that small productive action first thing after you wake up can really get you in a productive mood and set the intention for the rest of the day.
It is a way to get a ‘mini win’ first thing in the morning which can have a ripple effect throughout your day.
6. Organize Your Day
Organizing your day in a way that works for you will have a HUGE impact on your day.
Try out different ways of organizing your day, time blocking, to do lists, task batching, to see what works for you.
Organizing your day gives you a clear plan and will help you accomplish so much more.
7. Simplify Your Routines
It can sometimes be tempting to jam our morning or evening routines with all sorts of self care and productivity activities in order to feel like we have our life together.
But sometimes having too much on our plate can make us feel super overwhelmed, even if it’s things we added to our own routine.
Instead of trying to add all the things to your morning routine, maybe instead try only doing the things that you find most useful and make you feel the greatest.
Just try and stick with a routine that makes you feel accomplished, not one that feels overwhelming.
8. Simplify Your Tasks
Similar to the point above, it can be tempting to want to add a lot of tasks to our day to try and feel productive.
But this can feel overwhelming and can make us feel incompetent rather than productive.
Instead of writing a huge to do list, try maybe writing out 3 of the tasks that you have to do or really want to accomplish today.
That way it will feel less overwhelming which will make you feel more productive.
Related Post: 7 Easy Ways to Instantly Simplify your Life
9. Simplify and Organize Goals
Having goals is great, but your goals should be organized and have a clear plan to be the most effective.
When you have some time to yourself, write out the parts of your life that are most important to you, like health, work, relationships, etc. Then write out 1-3 goals for each area. I say 1-3 because this will keep it simpler and seem more manageable.
Under each goal, write out details and steps on how you will attain these goals. So for example if you wrote ‘eating healthier’ as one of your goals, then maybe you could write out steps like make a meal plan each week, learn quick and healthy meals, etc.
I find only having 1-3 goals for each section and having a clear plan on how to attain them, makes them seem more attainable.
10. Go-To Outfits
After decluttering you should hopefully be left with clothes that you actually love to wear and that make you feel good.
The next step that really helped me was determining different go-to outfits for different occasions.
I would go through my wardrobe and pick out the outfits that I love to wear for going to work, lounging at home, going out with friends, etc.
Having a couple go-to outfits that you know you love and feel great in will take the guessing game out of what to wear. It will make you feel more confident in what you are wearing and more organized.
11. Go-To Meals
Just like with clothes, having go-to meals can make your life a lot simpler and organized.
Trying to figure out what to eat every week and going grocery shopping can feel stressful if there isn’t a game plan of what you are going to eat each week.
I like having a couple go-to meals that are quick, easy and healthy to make and then I grocery shop for the ingredients needed for those meals.
One pan/one pat meals are fantastic for this, and they usually leave leftovers so you don’t have to cook everyday.
Instead of meal planning what to eat on Monday, Tuesday, etc, try just having ingredients for your go-to meals in the fridge and just choose each night what to make.
This gives more flexibility while still feeling organized.
12. Fitness
I have found that the BEST way to stick to exercising is to make your workouts two things:
- Simple
- Fun
To make your exercises simple and fun, write down exercises that you enjoy doing, and that are somewhat quick and not too hard. Like walking, dancing, yoga, spin class, kickboxing, short body weight exercises or whatever it is you enjoy best and do those.
I personally pick a fun and quick cardio exercise each day, like a dance cardio or kickboxing video online, and then I’ll usually do 2-3 quick strength exercises throughout the week.
If you struggle keeping up with working out then just focus on having fun. And remember that exercise doesn’t always have to be push ups and crunches. It can be fun and it can be simple.
For fun and easy ideas on how to stay active at home you can check out my post here: 8 Easy Ways to Stay Active at Home

13. Cleaning
Having a clean and tidy space is definitely a big part of the ‘organize your life’ journey.
It will not only make you feel good, but it can also help you become more productive.
I know when I have a clean space I am able to focus more and I just feel like my life is more organized.
Try and decide if you are the kind of person who likes to clean your whole space in one day or if you like to break it up into days.
I go back and forth between these two. If I have something fun planned on the weekend and I don’t want to clean, I will break up my cleaning tasks throughout the week. Alternatively, if I have a busy week, then I will usually leave the cleaning to a weekend morning.
It’s up to you and how you feel. But try and find what works for you and something that you will stick to. You can also search different cleaning schedules online to get some inspo!
14. Grocery Shopping
Simplifying your grocery shopping routine is good for time management and saving money.
If you have the time, I find shopping two smaller times throughout the week makes me feel more organized than shopping only once.
When I shop only once, I find it overwhelming. My fridge gets too full to the point where I will forget about certain items and then they will go bad.
When I shop two smaller times, I feel more at ease, I am usually in and out quickly, and it gives me more flexibility to change up the meals for the week.
For some ideas on how to save on groceries check out: 12 Ways to Drastically Save on Groceries
15. Makeup
Even if you love playing around with makeup and trying out new looks, it’s still great to have a simple and quick go-to makeup look.
Having a quick and simple go-to makeup look that you know makes you feel amazing, is great for when you want to wear makeup but you don’t have a lot of time.
You will feel more confident since it’s a look that you love.

16. Paper and Digital Files
I don’t need to tell you how annoying paper and digital clutter can get, we all know. That’s why it’s so important to deal with them as soon as we get them.
Try and switch as much as you can to digital files with a scanner and have back ups.
For the rest, buy a file system and have your paper files organized in sections. As soon as you receive a new digital or paper file, either scan or file it right away so it doesn’t pile up.
Having all your files organized will allow you to know where everything is and will make you feel SO much more organized.
17. Keep Surfaces Clear
Having cluttered spaces can really have a toll on how you feel. Having clear and organized spaces is a great way to make you feel like your life is organized.
Try only keeping essentials on the kitchen and bathroom counters and put the rest in drawers or cupboards if possible.
This will create a sense of peace when walking into the room and make you feel so much more organized.
18. Tidy Every Evening
They say having a clear space leads to a clear mind. And I truly do believe this as I find I am WAY more productive and organized when the space around me is clean and tidy.
Try and set a timer for 10 minutes every night to do a quick tidy.
That way when you wake up in the morning you will feel like your life is organized and you are ready to take on the day!
For more great ideas on how to keep a clean and tidy home check out my post on: 15 Easy Tips to Keep Your Home Tidy
19. Go to Bed and Wake up the Same Time
Keeping to a schedule is a great thing you can do to organize your life.
Going to sleep and waking up around the same time everyday will make it a lot easier to create routines and plan out your days and weeks.
This post was all about the BEST ways to organize your life
I really hope you enjoyed this post on ways to organize your life. Comment below on any tips you may have that could help others out.
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