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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.If you’re wondering how to simplify your home then you’ll love this post! These are the best tips on how to declutter your home easily!

I desperately needed to declutter my home so I started looking for good tips on how to simplify your home.
Every time I wanted to declutter my space I would start to feel overwhelmed.
I wanted tips on decluttering that were easy, practical, and would give me fast results.
After many searches for tips, and trial and errors in my own home, I have found some really great tips on how to declutter your home easily.
This post is all about how to simplify your home.
How to Simplify Your Home
1. Get Motivated
Simplifying your home can be a huge project so you might need some motivation before getting started.
A great way to get motivated is to visualize what you want your home to look like.
Look online and find photos and videos of decluttered homes that inspire you.
Another amazing way to get motivated to declutter is to read books on decluttering.
I absolutely love these books below and these were the ones that gave me amazing step by step tips on decluttering!
2. Start Small
Simplifying your home can get overwhelming quickly. Sometimes it is best accomplished by approaching it in small steps.
You can’t expect to declutter your entire home in one day. If you tried you’d be exhausted, and probably wouldn’t get much done.
Instead, start with the room that’s the least cluttered and easiest to simplify.
This will help you get momentum and see results quickly, which will keep you motivated to keep going.
You can then move on to the rooms that are more cluttered once you got the hang of decluttering a bit.
3. Avoid Buying Things You Don’t Need
The best way to avoid clutter is to not buy things you don’t need.
It can be so easy to forget what we already have and impulse buy.
But the more we buy, the more we become unsatisfied with what we have.
That’s because we get so overwhelmed with our stuff and develop clutter, that we’re not able to use and appreciate what we already have.
Really try to be conscious of what you buy.
If you mostly shop for fun, try and find other hobbies.
Next time you have the urge to go out and buy something, try to declutter an area of your home instead.
This way you’ll see how much you already have and you’ll be less likely to go out and buy something.
4. Let Go Of Items You Don’t Use
Try to let go of items you no longer need. Take a look at your home and ask yourself if every item in it serves a purpose or helps you live the life you want. If it doesn’t, get rid of it!
Do you really need five coffee mugs? Do you use all of them? No? Then keep the ones you do use and donate the rest.
Don’t let the fact that you’ve spent money on something hold you back from getting rid of it. The money was already spent and you holding on to an item you don’t like won’t bring the money back.
Try selling it if you can and if it’s worth it, but if not, get rid of it and move on.
5. Get Rid Of The Things That You Don’t Love
The main thing to keep in mind when simplifying is that you should only keep the things that you really love or that you find useful.
Anything else that you don’t love or find useful, consider getting rid of it.
Many times we will hold on to items because we fear we might need them in the future. But if you’ve haven’t needed them in a long time, then you probably won’t need them in the future.
If you really struggle with this, then think of how easy it would be to replace that item if you got rid of it and did end up needing it in the future.
If you can replace it fairly easily, then consider getting rid of it.
This will help clear up your home and make space for the things you truly use and love.
6. Organize Your Home.
Organizing your home while you simplify it will help keep you motivated and can help it from getting decluttered again in the future.
Don’t go out and buy a ton of organization products right away either! Those can quickly become clutter as well.
Slowly buy what you need, or try to use what you already have.
The more you simplify your home, the less organization products you’ll need to buy because you’ll have less stuff to organize.
When you do use storage bins, try using clear baskets or vacuum bags like the ones below so you can easily see what’s inside.
When you use baskets that you can’t see through, you can easily forget what’s in them. This can cause you to repurchase what you already have.
It can also cause a mess when trying to look for something and having to pull out multiple baskets.
7. Keep Things That Have Personal Meaning To You.
Try not to get rid of anything that has sentimental meaning when you first start decluttering.
When you first begin decluttering, you might get so excited that you just want to throw away everything.
This may even make you want to throw things away that have a special meaning to you.
I strongly suggest not doing this yet because you may regret it in the future.
Wait awhile until after the decluttering excitement has worn off and then see if you still want to declutter it.
8. Don’t Buy More Than Two Of Anything Unless You Really Need It.
I used to do this ALL the time with clothes!
I would find a shirt or dress that I loved and buy multiple colors in it, only to wear one of them most of the time.
Buy multiple if you absolutely love it and know you’ll use it or wear it.
But really think it through before buying multiple of something, because most of the time you’ll end up only using or wearing your favorite one.
9. Keep Reminding Yourself That Most Of The Time ‘Less Is More’
Remind yourself why you want to declutter and the benefits of having a simpler home.
The fewer things you have, the less work you need to do and the less clutter there is around you.
The less things in your space, the calmer you will feel.
Less stuff means less time spent managing all of your belongings and more time enjoying what matters most—family, friends, hobbies and passions!
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