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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Wanna be more active but don’t know how to get motivated to workout? We got you! Here are the best tips on how to get motivated to workout!

1. Remind yourself why
It sounds cheesy I know, but reminding yourself of why you want to workout is a great start to getting motivated to workout.
Whether it’s to lose weight, become stronger, be healthier, have more energy, or all of the above, remind yourself each day of why you’re doing it.
I find writing this in a journal is a great way to remind yourself.
This journal is amazing because it has prompts on what to write, making it quicker and easier to journal wach day.
2. Set easy goals
It can be tempting to set goals of working out every single day for an hour but it can be hard to do especially if you’re not used to working out.
Start of small and set smaller and easier goals for yourself like working out for 15 minutes 2 days a week.
When you set easier goals, you are more likely to reach them which will make you feel great and you’ll want to do it more and more.
You can adjust the goals as you get better and better at working out.
It may also help to keep a goal journal with prompts, making it easy and fun to write out your goals.
3. Have workout clothes you feel good in
This tip may seem silly but there have actually been studies done that show having good workout clothes can actually motivate you to workout.
When you look and feel good in a workout outfit, it makes you feel great during your workout which will help you want to do it more.
You don’t have to spend a ton for this, there are lots of cute and affordable workout outfits.
4. Plan the night before
Planning out how and when you will workout is a lot more effective than just telling yourself you’ll workout the day next.
Try planning out the night before what time will be best and easiest for you to workout, and what kind of workout it’ll be.
This way you’ll have a plan in place and you’ll be more likely to stick to it.
Using a simple fitness planner is a great way to do this because it can really help to plan out your workouts for the week!

5. Make your space workout friendly
You want as little to get in the way of you working out as possible.
If you have to move furniture or find your yoga mat that’s lost in your closet, then you’re more likely to give up.
Make your space workout friendly!
Clear out an area of your home so you have enough space to workout in and place your workout equipment nearby.
6. Have good equipment
Just like with good workout clothes, you’re probably more likely to workout if you have good equipment to use.
Try getting good quality equipment like a yoga mat, resistance bands, weights, or whatever you plan on using to make your workouts something you enjoy.
Maybe this is personal preference but I do find working out with equipment way more fun than without.
It’s also a great way to add variety and switch up workouts to keep things fun.

7. Do workouts you actually enjoy
We are WAY more likely to do a workout that we actually enjoy.
Obvious I know, but we tend to forget this and try and force ourselves to do intense workouts that we dread.
Try different ways of working out like kickboxing, yoga, pilates, swimming, spinning, barre, step aerobics, or just plain walking.
Try different ones and see which you love best and stick with those.
8. Find small ways to be active throughout the day
Staying active throughout the day in small ways not only motivates us to continue being active, but it’s also great if you don’t have time to workout all at once for an hour.
Try and do mini workouts throughout the day.
Squats or push ups while waiting for your food to reheat, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking in place while watching your favorite show or doing a few jumping jacks are all great ways to incorporate exercise throughout your day.
There are also tons of quick 5, 10 or 15 minute workouts online.
I like using a cordless jump rope like the one below while waiting for food to reheat or my coffee to brew. It’s super easy to use and great for small spaces since it can be cordless.
9. Get outside
Getting outside and moving around is a great way to boost our mood!
Going outside for a workout, cycling, rollerblading, or even just walking can be more fun and easier to motivate yourself to do than working out outside.
10. Go to a drop in workout class
There are tons of different drop in workout classes that are affordable and super fun!
Spinning, yoga, pilates, boxing, and aqua fitness are just some great examples of drop in classes that are a lot of fun solo or with friends.
11. Workout with someone
If you have someone that’s able to workout with you, give it a try.
Not only might it be more fun to workout together, but it can help keep you both accountable, making it more likely that you’ll stick to it.
12. Switch things up
Even if you love a certain workout, it can start to get boring after awhile so try and switch things up once in awhile.
Try different workouts, different equipment, different classes, and change from indoor to outdoor.
13. Go easy on yourself
Don’t be too hard on yourself because doing so can make you want to give up.
If you’re feeling tired or don’t have a lot of time, try only working out for 15 min that day instead of 30, or try just doing some light stretching or go for quick walk.
Any movement is better than nothing so don’t be too hard on yourself if you didn’t get an hour workout in that day.
Some days when I don’t feel like working out at all but I still want to be active, I will clean my house for 15 minutes.
I’m still moving around but it doesn’t feel like a workout.
Playing with your kids would be another great example!
14. Try standing or couch workouts
This tip alone is probably the best tip on how to get motivated to workout.
This one tip seriously changed my life.
Whenever I don’t feel like working out, I’ll look up a standing workout or couch workout online.
These are still great workouts but doesn’t require as much motivation as it would be to roll out a yoga mat and lay on the ground.
Standing or couch workouts are also fantastic if you don’t have a lot of space to workout.
15. Track your progress
One way to motivate yourself to workout is to look back on how far you’ve come.
Keeping track of your progress in a notepad or journal is a great way to be able to reflect on your progress.
This can help keep you motivated to keep progressing and get even better.
You can record things like how many reps or how long you were able to workout for.
16. Reward yourself
And last but definitely not least, reward yourself!
This can be as simple as taking a nice bubble bath afterwards or watching your favorite show.
Little rewards can help you motivate yourself to workout by having something to look forward to.
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