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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Are you wondering how to get motivated to clean? Here are the best tips on how to get motivated to clean when you’re feeling lazy.

We all love a clean and tidy home but sometimes it can be hard to figure out how to get motivated to clean. With busy schedules and loads of stuff, our home can get messy pretty fast.
Once it gets messy, it can get pretty hard to get motivated to get it nice and tidy again.
This is why I love finding new and effective tips on how to get motivated to clean.
If you have been struggling and want to know how to get motivated to clean then this post has you covered!
This post is all about how to get motivated to clean
Best Tips on How to Get Motivated to Clean
1. Declutter
Having a home that is easy to clean makes it SO much easier to get motivated to clean it. And having less clutter in your home naturally makes cleaning it and keeping it clean a whole lot easier.
A clutter-free home brings so many great benefits. Not only is it WAY easier to clean but it also makes it a much more peaceful space to live in.
If you are interested in decluttering your home but not sure where to start, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is an amazing book that really helped me declutter my home.
I am SO glad I came across this book and decluttered my space. I have way more time, less clutter, and my living space feels calm and peaceful.
2. Have a Good Cleaning Schedule
Another great tip for how to get motivated to clean is to have a good cleaning schedule.
Cleaning can easily become overwhelming but having a cleaning schedule that breaks down cleaning tasks, can make it seem a lot more manageable.
Try and create a cleaning schedule that works best for you. Whether that be cleaning certain rooms on certain days, grouping cleaning tasks together, or taking one day to do your entire cleaning.
I love using a cleaning schedule like the one below to help create a cleaning schedule that I love and am able to stick to.
3. Use Good Cleaning Products
It may seem silly but using good cleaning products can actually make cleaning more enjoyable.
Buy good cleaning products that not only work well, but that you enjoy using.
The more you enjoy the process of cleaning, the more likely you are to get motivated to clean.
I love using cleaning supplies like the ones below because they are quick and easy to use, making the cleaning process so much easier.
4. Set The Mood
As mentioned earlier, try to make the process of cleaning as enjoyable as possible.
Opening the curtains, lighting some candles, and pouring yourself a nice cup of coffee are all great ways to set the mood.
Doing small things like these can make a huge difference in your mood while cleaning.
5. Keep Your Home Tidy
We can all agree that it’s easier to clean a home that is kept tidy rather than to clean a messy home.
Try to keep your home tidy by making sure everything has a home and put things away right after use.
A tidy home is much less overwhelming and you’ll be more likely to be motivated to clean it.
6. Get Inspired
A great tip on how to get motivated to clean is to try and get inspired!
Watching ‘clean with me’ videos or searching cleaning hacks is a great way to get inspired to clean.
7. Set a Timer
This is a great tip especially if cleaning feels super overwhelming.
Instead of thinking about how much you have to clean and how long it will take, tell yourself that you will just clean for 15 minutes.
Set a timer and clean quickly until the timer goes off. You’d be surprised how much you can get done in 15 minutes.
Plus, you might get in a cleaning mode and still feel like cleaning once the timer goes off.
8. Clean Small Sections at a Time
Another tip when cleaning feels overwhelming is to clean small sections at a time.
Instead of thinking about cleaning the whole place, think about cleaning small sections at a time.
Tell yourself you will just do one section and then continue onto the next one if you still want to.
9. Start with Easy Tasks First
Starting with easy tasks first is a great way to get some momentum.
Start with small tasks first that take little effort and time, and then move onto larger tasks.
10. Task Batch
Task batching cleaning is a style of cleaning that some people love.
Instead of doing one room at a time, try doing the same tasks for each room at the same time.
For example, dust, vacuum, and mop the whole house at one time as opposed to doing it for each room at a time.
11. Don’t Think Too Much About It
It’s easier said than done but try not to think too much about how much you have to clean or how tired you are.
Just dive right into it and get as much done as you can.
The longer you sit and think about cleaning, the less motivated you will be to do it.
12. Let the Light In
For some reason, opening the curtains and letting natural light in can really get you motivated to clean.
Letting natural light in can make us feel more organized and in a better mood.
This in turn can make it easier to get motivated to clean.
13. Invite People Over
A great way to get yourself to clean is to invite people over.
If you know people are coming over, you will most likely want your place to look clean and tidy when they come.
If you really struggle with cleaning, inviting people over can give that little push you need to clean.
14. Ask for Help
There’s no shame in asking for help when you are tired, overwhelmed, or simply don’t have the time to do it yourself.
Ask your family or even close friends if they can help out.
15. Reward Yourself
After you are done cleaning, reward yourself with something you really enjoy.
Ordering in your favorite food, taking a nice long bath, or even buying yourself something small are fun ways to treat yourself after cleaning.
Looking forward to something after can help you find the motivation to clean.
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