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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Looking for some deep questions to get to know someone? These are some of the best questions to ask someone to get to know them better!

These deep questions to get to know someone are great when you want to take your relationship to the next level.
It can be difficult in the beginning to find things to talk about. That’s why I love finding good and deep relationship questions to get to know someone.
It’s good to try to ask someone these questions earlier on because some questions can be really eye opening to the type of person they are.
These questions are also fun questions to ask even if you have known someone for a long time and want to get to know them on an even deeper level.
I found some really amazing questions regarding areas of life, personality, relationship, family, career, spiritual, health, and travel.
Having a conversation revolving these important topics is a great way to spark amazing conversations and to become closer.
This post is all about deep questions to get to know someone.
Best Deep Questions to Get to Know Someone
- 1. What is your biggest goal in life?
2. What are you most afraid of?
3. If you were given one wish, what would you wish for?
4. What are you most proud of?
5. What event in your life do you think has shaped you the most?
6. If you knew it was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
7. What was your childhood like?
8. What is your favorite memory?
9. If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
10. What are you passionate about?
11. If you won a lot of money, what’s the first thing you’d do?
12. What is something you want to do before you die?
13. Who in your life means the most to you?
14. What is your most embarrassing moment?
15. What would be your ideal perfect day?
16. What did you want to be when you grew up?
17. Who is your role model?
18. What inspires you?
19. What is your greatest achievment?
20. What were the best years of your life?
21. What were the worst years of your life?
22. What makes you feel accomplished?
23. What are you most thankful for?
24. What is the biggest obstacle you have ever overcome?
25. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be?
26. What in life gives you purpose?
27. How do you define beauty?
28. Do you believe there is other life in the universe?
29. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
1. How do you most like to spend your time?
2. What do you think your biggest flaw is?
3. What is one thing you want to improve on?
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
5. What do people say about you the most?
6. What in life stresses you out the most?
7. How are some ways you relax?
8. Do you consider yourself a spontaneous person?
9. What are some of your most important values?
10. Are you someone who would rather go out or spend a night at home?
11. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?
12. Do you have any secret talents?
13. What are some of your hobbies?
14. What is something that someone could do to cheer you up?
15. Would you consider yourself a planner or more of a go with the flow kind of person?
16. Would you rather material gifts or experience gifts?
17. Do you prefer the countryside or the city lifestyle?
18. Would you consider yourself an optimist or pessimist?
19. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
20. How do you handle high stress situations?
21. When you are in a bad mood, would you rather be left alone or be with people?
23. Do you believe in conspiracies?
24. Would you describe yourself as a more careful or carefree person?
25. What is something you do to treat yourself?
26. Would you consider yourself a stubborn person or do you easily forgive?
27. Do you consider yourself happy?
28. Would you consider yourself an adrenaline junkie?
- Have you ever been in love?
2. What do you think is the most important thing in relationships?
3. What would be your ideal date?
4. What do you look most for in a partner?
5. Do you have/want kids?
6. Have you been or do you want to get married?
7. Do you believe in soul mates?
8. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?
9. What was your longest relationship?
10. What is your love language?
11. What are some dealbreakers for you in a relationship?
12. What is your biggest turn on?
13. What is your biggest turn off?
14. Would you ever move to a different country to be with someone?
15. What is the worst date you have ever been on?
16. Are there any hobbies that you’d like your partner to have?
17. What is your favorite part of a relationship?
18. Do you believe long distance relationships can work?
19. Do you consider yourself a romantic person?
20. Have you ever had your heart broken?
21. Do you believe in love at first sight?
22. When you have an argument with a partner, how do you handle it?
23. Do you believe people can change?
24. Would you consider yourself a jealous person?
25. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done for someone?
26. What is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
- What is your relationship with your family like?
2. Are you family oriented?
3. Would you rather spend time with friends or family?
4. Did you grow up in a large or small family?
5. What are some of your favorite family traditions?
6. How often do you see your family?
7. Is there anyone in your family you don’t speak to?
8. Would you want to raise your children the same way your parents raised you?
9. Do you call your family often?
10. What would you do if your partner didn’t get along with your family?
11. What do you admire most about your parents?
- What lead you to the career path you are on right now?
2. Do you enjoy what you do for work?
3. What does your dream career look like?
4. If you were to start a business, what would it be?
5. What are some of your career goals?
6. What age do you see yourself retiring?
7. Do you have a good relationship with your employer?
8. Do you have a good relationship with your coworkers?
- Do you believe in a higher power?
2. Do you believe in law of attraction?
3. Are there any religious practices that are important in your life?
4. Do you meditate?
5. Do you believe in fate?
6. Do you believe there is a reason for existence?
7. Do you believe in past lives?
8. Do you believe in an afterlife?
9. Do you believe in spirits?
10. What do you think happens after death?
- Do you consider yourself a healthy person?
2. Do you have any health goals?
3. Do you enjoy physical activity?
4. Is health important to you?
5. Is it important to you to have a partner interested in physical activity?
6. Would you consider your eating habits healthy?
7. Is it important for your partner to eat a similar diet as you?
- Do you like to travel?
2. If you could travel to anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be?
3. What was the best trip you have ever had?
4. Would you ever go on a spontaneous trip?
5. When you travel, do you like to travel luxuriously or on a budget?
6. When you travel do you like to relax on the beach, or go on adventures?
7. How often do you like to travel?
8. If you were only able to visit one country, where would it be?
9. Describe your perfect vacation?
10. What was the best road trip you have ever taken?
11. How important do you think it is to travel with family?
This post was all about the best deep questions to get to know someone
I really hope you found some inspiration in these deep questions to get to know someone! I have had some of the most amazing conversations in life based off some of these questions!
They are great to ask to get to know someone new in your life or to get to know someone in your life on a deeper level.
Comment below on any questions you have asked someone in the past that have lead to great conversations.
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