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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.Do you have the urge to declutter and want some good decluttering hacks? These are some of the best decluttering tips!

Finding good decluttering hacks can really help with the process of decluttering.
Because honestly decluttering can be an incredibly liberating experience, but it can also be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start or how to proceed.
If your home is feeling a little cluttered, there’s no better time than now to get organized and make some space!
Here are some simple steps that will help make decluttering less stressful and even fun!
This post is all about decluttering hacks.
Best Decluttering Hacks
Start off with something simple
Like mentioned earlier, decluttering can be super overwhelming, so it’s a good idea to start with an area that will be easier for you to declutter.
You may be tempted to start with an area that bothers you the most, but you may find it difficult and may want to give up quickly.
Instead choose an area that can be done relatively quickly and easily to get the momentum going.
Then slowly move on the more difficult areas.
Declutter first, then organize
If you are planning on organizing a space that you also want to declutter, try decluttering that area first and then organizing it.
If you try to organize it first or while you are decluttering, it may seem too overwhelming.
Also, if you declutter first, it will be easier to know what you will need to organize the space after getting rid of stuff.
Create a capsule wardrobe
Clothing can be one of the most difficult things to declutter.
I know when I first decluttered my closet I was so overwhelmed and gave up on it many times.
It wasn’t until I created a capsule wardrobe that I was finally able to declutter my closet and create a wardrobe that I actually loved.
To create a capsule wardrobe think about what items you love and wear the most and which items you actually need.
When decluttering your closet, take everything out and put back only those items which you love and wear.
The pieces that didn’t go back in the closet, think about why you don’t wear them and if you should actually keep them.
If it makes you feel confident, you look good in it, and it fits well, then keep it.
The same applies for shoes and accessories too. If they don’t fit properly or are uncomfortable then get rid of them!
For more tips on how to simplify your closet check out this link below.
Get rid of paper clutter and then go digital
Paper clutter can be one of the most annoying things!
I personally had boxes and boxes filled with papers that I put away to ‘deal with later’.
If you’re in a similar situation, you may want to purchase a shredder like I did which made the process SO much easier.
Grab the paper clutter, put on your favorite show, grab some snacks, and get to shredding!
Ask a friend or family member to help out, just make sure you don’t shred anything you actually need.
For anything that you must keep, put them somewhere safe like a file folder.
And then consider going digital with what you can to minimize paper clutter in the future.
Get rid of duplicates
This is one of the easiest decluttering hacks.
Go around the house and get rid of anything that you have duplicates of that you don’t need.
You wouldn’t believe the amount of pens I found in my home when I did this!
This is a small step that will help you get momentum and get in the mood to declutter.
Declutter as you go
Some people like to go full force at decluttering and declutter their entire house at once.
But this can get pretty overwhelming and you don’t have to do it this way if you don’t want to.
You could also declutter slowly by decluttering tiny areas at a time each day or every few days.
Try one night to declutter a kitchen drawer, and then the next night your night stand, and so on.
Take photos of items you want to remember
If there are items that you don’t want to keep but you still want to remember them, take a photo of the item.
You can even use an instant film camera and a scrapbook to create a cute scrapbook of pictures of items that you want to remember!
Sell some items to consignment stores and online marketplaces
If you have items that you are holding onto because they were expensive, then try selling them.
Online marketplaces are great and you will generally get more money for your items than consignment stores. But consignment stores are a lot easier and great if you don’t have to time or energy to sell online.
Take out everything from the area that you want to declutter
Yes this can be annoying, but taking out everything from the closet or drawer will make it a lot easier to declutter.
You’ll be able to see everything that you have and you’ll be less likely to put everything back in once you clear out the space and see how nice it is with less stuff.
Create a declutter challenge for yourself
A great way to get motivated to declutter and to keep it fun is to do a declutter challenge.
You can create one yourself or there are tons online.
Use the hanger trick for your closet
If you are having a really hard time decluttering your closet try the hanger trick.
It’s where you put all your clothes in the closet with the hanger turned around the other way than what it usually is.
And then whenever you wear something, put it on a hanger and hang it the normal way.
After a month or so look to see which items are still hung the wrong way. Those are all items that you have not worn and should consider donating (except seasonal items of course).
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