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Please note that I am not a professional of any kind so any information in this post is not meant to be medical, legal, financial, relationship or any professional advice.If you’re looking for some of the best cleaning tips to make cleaning a breeze? These are the best cleaning tips to have a clean house!

Good cleaning tips can really make a big difference on your cleaning routine.
I’m all about making household tasks like cleaning easier so I am constantly searching for the best cleaning tips on how to keep a clean house.
Here are some of the best house cleaning tips to help with your cleaning motivation and to make your cleaning schedule easier!
This post is all about the best cleaning tips.
Best Cleaning Tips
1. Be easy on yourself
It’s easy to get overwhelmed when it comes to cleaning but try and be easy on yourself.
Most of us are super busy and it can be super difficult to keep up with everything.
It’s unrealistic to expect every part of our life to be perfect.
Being easier on yourself can help take some of the pressure off and make cleaning not seem so daunting.
2. Have good quality cleaning supplies
You don’t need to buy super expensive cleaning supplies, but having good quality cleaning supplies can seriously make cleaning a lot easier.
When you use cheap cleaning supplies that don’t do the job well, not only will it take you longer, but you won’t like the result and you’ll be less motivated to clean again next time.
Also, seems silly, but many people find that they enjoy cleaning more if they have cleaning supplies that they enjoy using.
Good microfiber cloths, a sturdy broom, good mop, and a strong cordless vacuum are cleaning supplies that have made cleaning A LOT easier for me.
3. Gather supplies together
It’s super easy to lose cleaning motivation when you have to search all over the house for your cleaning supplies.
Try keeping them all in one place or better yet buy a cleaning caddy which will make it super easy to carry your supplies from room to room.
This is also why it’s great to have portable cleaning supplies like a cordless vacuum or stick mop that are easy to carry around.
4. Declutter often
The less stuff in your house, the easier it is to clean.
Decluttering often helps keep your house clutter free.
Next time you feel super overwhelmed with cleaning, try decluttering a bit first.
5. Set a timer
A great cleaning tip if you’re feeling overwhelmed or have zero motivation is to try telling yourself you will only clean for 5 or 10 minutes.
5 or 10 minutes feels much more manageable and most of the time you will continue past the timer once you have already started.
Even if you don’t 5 or 10 minutes of cleaning is better than nothing.
Many people find using a visual timer like the one below super helpful and motivating.
It’s like a race against the clock to see how much you get done before the time runs out.
6. Set aside time every day, even if it’s only 10 minutes
Continuing on the last point, try to make it a habit to clean everyday, even if it’s only a few minutes.
Maintaining a clean home is a lot easier than waiting until it gets super dirty and overwhelming.
Setting aside a couple minutes to clean once a day or even a few times a day seems more manageable than spending a whole day cleaning.
7. Clean as you go
A super effective cleaning tip is to try to clean as you go throughout the day.
Put items in their proper place when leaving a room, clean dishes as you cook, and quickly wipe down the bathroom sink after using it.
Little cleaning habits like this can make a huge difference throughout the day.
8. Make it enjoyable
You’re more likely to get stuff done if you find it enjoyable so try and make the cleaning process enjoyable.
Open the curtains or blinds, put on a show or podcast, put on comfy comfy clothes, and make yourself a coffee or tea.
You’ll most likely be more motivated to clean and maybe even look forward to it a bit.
9. Create a schedule
I am not a very structured, schedule type of person so I resisted this for a long time, but it can be really helpful to make a cleaning schedule.
Making a cleaning schedule can help keep cleaning manageable and help you feel more productive.
I like using a blank cleaning schedule like the one below because I find it better to make your own cleaning checklist.
Everyone’s life is different so your cleaning schedule should reflect your own needs.
10. Identify problem areas
Most of us have areas in our home that are harder to clean or become dirty often.
Try to identify those areas and see if there is anything you can do to make that area easier to clean.
For me it was dishes and laundry.
I always felt like there were tons of dishes to be washed and clothes to clean and it was always overwhelming.
I decluttered most of my clothes and dishes and only kept what I loved and used and donated the excess.
This help tremendously with keeping down the amount of dishes and clothes to clean.
11. Ask for help
There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need.
Ask your family to help out or create a family cleaning schedule where everyone has different jobs on different days.
12. Reward yourself
And last but definitely not least it to reward yourself after cleaning.
Have a cup of tea or a warm bath or read your favorite book or watch a show you love.
Rewarding yourself after will help you feel motivated when it’s time to clean next.
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