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Honestly I feel like one of the greatest pleasures in life is a clean home. It looks great, we feel great, and we don’t have to panic if someone unexpectedly drops by.
But as great as a clean home can make us feel, it can be difficult to maintain.
Dirty dishes pile in the sink, papers get scattered all over the dinning table, clothes get thrown on every piece of furniture possible.
And after a long work week, who wants to spend their precious Saturday cleaning?
I hate cleaning but I love a clean home. So instead of spending hours on the weekend cleaning, staring out the sunny window, feeling sorry for myself, I decided to switch up my cleaning plan.
I started to integrate small, but effective actions in my day to help keep my home clean and tidy. This has made such an amazing difference in my life. My home is definitely more tidy and I don’t spend nearly as much time cleaning on the weekend as I used to.
I am so happy with the outcome that I wanted to share these easy tips with you! Keep reading for 15 of the easiest tips for a tidy home.
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Declutter Often
This has by far made the biggest difference in terms of keeping my home tidy. I did a big declutter a couple months ago and then have had small declutter sessions since.
The less stuff you have, the less stuff will be out of place.
A perfect example of this is decluttering your wardrobe. Having less clothes will mean less clothes thrown on the chair because the drawers were too stuffed to put them away. It’ll mean less laundry, folding, and ironing.
It is also so much easier to clean your counters when they are not overcrowded with appliances and decor.
And it is so much easier to sweep, mop, vacuum, and dust when you have less clutter in the home.
Make Your Bed
You’ve probably heard this tip a million times, but there’s good reason for that.
Your bed is a large piece of furniture so if it looks messy, it’ll probably make the rest of the room look messy too.
Making your bed in the morning is a small thing that can make a big impact on your mood. It really can set the tone for the rest of your day.
Wash Dishes Right After Eating
Not only will this help keep your kitchen clean, but it is also sooooo much easier to clean dishes before the food has dried. This will help prevent dishes piling up all over the kitchen and having to soak for hours.
If you are overwhelmed with dishes everyday, try finding simple recipes that are one pot/pan recipes or that only use a few dishes. Try also cleaning while you are cooking.

Keep Surfaces Clutter-free
When surfaces are cluttered it’s likely that other places in the home will become cluttered. It can be hard to keep surfaces clear since areas like dinning tables and bathroom vanities are so easy to throw stuff on.
The less items you have on surfaces, the tidier it will look. But it’ll also be easier to keep the surfaces clean since you won’t have to move so much stuff out of the way to clean it.
Smaller Loads of Laundry More Often
This may be different for some, as everyone has their own routines, but I find doing more smaller loads of laundry throughout the week is easier to manage than letting it pile up.
When I do a smaller load, I feel less overwhelmed and I am more likely to actually fold and put the clothes away when I don’t have as much.
10 Minute Tidy Every Day
As I mentioned earlier I really don’t want to spend my whole Saturday cleaning so I love doing mini cleaning tasks throughout the week. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I’ll still have to do some cleaning on Saturdays, but if I do, it doesn’t take me the WHOLE day, maybe just an hour or two.
I like setting my timer for 10 minutes and then pick one area to clean quickly. You’d be surprised how much you can get done in 10 minutes.
Another reason I like this method is because I find maintenance cleaning so much easier than waiting too long until something gets really dirty. I find I don’t have to scrub as hard and I get more surface area cleaned than if I waited until it was very dirty.
Wipe Down Bathroom and Kitchen Counters
Since we tend to use kitchen and bathroom counters daily, they can very easily get dirty. And places like the kitchen or bathroom can have food stains, makeup stains, toothpaste stains, all things that can be difficult to scrub if left too long. A quick wipe down everyday or even every other day will help keep the counters looking clean.
Use Baskets Everywhere!
Baskets look great and are super functional. I love having baskets in every room. I love having them in bedrooms and the living room for things like blankets and throw pillows. They are also great for bathrooms for towels or toilet paper and kitchens for bread or pantry items. And I especially love them for inside closets for almost everything.
Deal with Paper Clutter Right Away
Dealing with paper as soon as you receive it can help prevent you having a whole pile on your kitchen counter. Dealing with one or two pieces of paper right away is easier than dealing with a big pile afterwards. Having a small shredder can make it a lot easier and safer to discard paper right away.
Put Clothes Away
It can seem harmless to throw one sweater over the chair in the bedroom instead of putting it away. But that can cause a huge ripple effect. That one sweater can then turn to half your wardrobe on that chair. Try to put clothes away right away after use even if you think you will wear it again later that day.
Also try to put all the clothes away after laundry. If you find yourself too often not putting the clothes away after laundry, perhaps try the step mentioned earlier and do smaller loads more often. That way you will have less to put away and you might be more likely to do so.
Don’t Have Too Many Pillows on the Bed
Although having pillows on the bed can look cute, having too many can be annoying to put on and take off. Keeping a more simple bed with a couple decorative pillows will make it much easier to make the bed every morning, and you won’t end up with a mountain of pillows on the floor when you want to go to sleep.

Everything has a home
Having a place for everything in your home can help prevent items being scattered. When you have a specific place for an item, you are more likely to put it away.
An important point with this would be to make the home of that item close to where you use it most so you will be more likely to put it away.
Have an Area to Put Purses, Shoes, Coats, Wallets, Keys
This is like the tip above but these are some of the most famous items to be thrown anywhere and everywhere, that I felt they should be emphasized. Having an easy and accessible place for all these items will make it easier to put them away as soon as you take them off.
Put Things in Their Home Right After Use
Now that you have made a home for everything, try to get in the habit of putting items in their home right after use. If you don’t put it away right after use, it can have a ripple effect. Once something is out of place, you might be more likely to leave other items out of place as well.
If it seems annoying to put it away right after use, consider the tip above and make a home for it closer to where you use it regularly.
Have Cleaning Supplies Nearby
You are much more likely to clean something when your cleaning supplies are nearby. Try strategically placing cleaning supplies where you will need them most. I find having a mini caddy of supplies in the kitchen and bathroom the most convenient.
Implementing small changes like these in your day can make a great impact. Even if it seems overwhelming at first, the more you implement small changes, the more likely they will become habits.

I hope you found these tips useful. Comment below on any tips you have in keeping a tidy home 🙂

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