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Everyone needs to eat, but why’s it gotta be so expensive?
So many times we go to the grocery store to pick up a few things and end up spending over $100 when you could’ve sworn all you bought was a couple veggies and some bread.
And by the next day there seems to be nothing to eat.
Of course you can save by searching for coupons, but if there are other things you’d rather do with your time, like binge watching cat videos, then keep reading for some easy ways to save on groceries, coupon-free.

Make meals with less ingredients.
It goes without saying that meals with less ingredients save on groceries because you will have less to buy. But this doesn’t mean that your meals have to be boring. I purchased Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredient recipe book and loved it for this exact reason. It has amazing meals that can be made with just 5 ingredients.
I absolutely love this book and it has saved me so much money and time shopping for groceries. It’s very straightforward which I love.
Find easy and quick meals
This sort of ties in with the last point, but even meals with less ingredients can sometimes be time consuming. Try finding a couple of easy and quick meals that can be rotated throughout the week. The easier and quicker the meal is to make, the more likely you are to actually want to cook it and not waste ingredients. All too often food is wasted because we were too tired to cook and the ingredients went bad.
Also, the more simpler the ingredients, usually the more versatile they are and can be used for other recipes.
Shop Seasonally
Eating produce that is in season is not only healthier, tastier, and better for the planet, but is usually much cheaper. Each season try thinking of meals to rotate throughout your week that incorporate seasonal produce.
Plan meatless meals
Meat and dairy are some of the most expensive items when it comes to groceries, and swapping them for cheaper alternatives even once a week, can help save a lot on groceries.
Instead of chicken tacos, try black bean and roasted pepper tacos and instead of cheese, try guacamole or hummus on it instead. Vegetarian chilis, stews, soups, and stir frys are very easy to make vegetarian and are a great way to use up veggies you have in the fridge.
Below is a fantastic vegetarian recipe book that takes the guess work out of creating meatless meals. I love it because it is categorized in order of easiness such as one dish, 5 ingredients, and 30 minute meals.
Fancy recipe books are nice and all, but it’s books like this that I really appreciate.
Buy in bulk
Buying versatile ingredients that have a long shelf life can help save a lot on groceries. Things like dried beans and grains are excellent to buy in bulk because they can be used in so many meals and usually last a long time.
Skip pre-packaged/processed food
Processed or pre-packaged foods can be convenient at times but can become expensive quickly if bought often. Opt for more natural food in its original state to save on your grocery bill.

Buy food you will actually eat
This may seem like an obvious one, but sometimes we buy food that we want to eat because we know it’s healthy, but we don’t actually like it. If you keep buying kale but you always end up wasting it, just skip it and buy something else that’s similar, like spinach.
Do an inventory of the fridge and pantry
Many times we neglect what we have hidden at the back of the pantry and we either purchase double of ingredients that we forgot we already had, or they expire before we use them. Doing an inventory before you leave can help you come up with ideas for meals and prevent double purchasing.
Meal Plan
I am not a fan of meal planning exactly what I will eat on exactly which day. How am I supposed to know what I’ll want to eat on Thursday when it’s only Sunday?
But I do like having a couple of easy quick meals written down. This way I have a sense of what meals to eat that week but I don’t have to eat them on certain days.
I use a magnetic board like the one linked below on my fridge and it’s fantastic. It works just like a white board but without the unnecessary pain of dried out markers. It’s super convenient to have on the fridge for meal planning and grocery lists.
Also, I try to write down meals that I know I actually enjoy and will eat instead of inspiring to make new recipes. I save the new recipes for the weekend.
Don’t grocery shop hungry
I know you’ve probably heard this a million times but that’s because it’s an oldie, but a goodie. We tend to buy a lot more when we go grocery shopping hungry because everything looks good when we’re hungry.
Don’t overcrowd the fridge
Overcrowding the fridge can make it very difficult to see what you have on hand and can cause many things to go bad before you get a chance to use them. It can also cause frustration and limit your creativity in the kitchen.
Try being creative with leftovers
Leftovers can be super boring or super fun, depending on what you do with them. If you aren’t a fan of leftovers, try creating a different meal with them.
If you have chicken and rice in the fridge, try shredding the chicken and having a chicken and rice burrito.
Try incorporating some of these tips to help keep your grocery bill low so you can focus on your other important expenses, like online shopping. 🙂

I hope you find these tips useful! Comment below on ways you like to keep your grocery bill low.

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